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Below you will find a compilation of educational technology tools I have created while obtaining my Masters in Educational Technology at Michigan State University. Each example provided was designed with a specific intent, and illustrates the diversity of technological tools available for all educators. The examples below highlight a few of my favorite educational technology tools I have designed and created. I hope you will see the level of profiency I have reached, not only in designing technology specifically for my students, but also how this technology can enhancing and increase student learning. Enjoy!

Stand Alone Instructional Resource

This website was designed for my 10th grade world history students. The website is a comprehensive lesson on Feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages.​This is a concept I usually teach in the classroom, but have been able to put entirely online. The website allows students to explore all facets of feudal society through different mediums. This website was created in Wix, and was a semester long project completed in CEP 817. Click image to see the full website. 

High School World History Online Unit

This Stand Alone Instructional Resource (stAIR) on Crane Brinton was designed for my 10th grade world history students. This resource was created in PowerPoint and presented in Kiosk mode. Students are given background knowledge on who Crane Brinton was, and what his theories were on what common causes societies to begin a revolution and also the common conditons present in societies during a revolution. Students are given the opportuntiy to test their knowledge and understanding and are presented with preditions on why they were correct or incorrect in their choice. This instructional resource was created in CEP 811, and tested my concpet mapping skills. Click image to check it out!

Wicked Project 

This project focused on how to use technology to address a specific educational need or problem. I chose Google Docs as a forum for my students to watch and take notes of my in class lectures outside of my classroom. Many of my students struggle with listening to my lectures while taking notes. The project is a start to finish report on how I implemented Google Docs into my classroom as a supportive device for my students. Created during CEP 812, my Wicked project is a narrative of how I used technology to address and support student learning in my classroom. Click image to see full report. 

Creating an Educational Blog

Created in Blogger, this online journal was created to serve as a forum for people to read and comment on what took place while completing my master's program. My blog served as a place for me to house a full commentary on courses and projects completing throughout my educational technology education. Used throughout many CEP courses, my blog became a place not only to display my work, but as a veune to collaborate and communicate with course instructors and classmates. Click image to explore my posts throughout my adventure in educational technology. 

Digital Story Telling

Assigned to create a digital story, I used Audacity (an audio editing program), and Windows Movie Maker to tell a story about students prior knowledge. During CEP 800, the issue of student misconceptions and prior knowledge and its effect on learning was addressed. By using audio and video making software, I was able to illustrate the misconceptions of students in my classroom. To watch my digital story, simply click on the video. 

Shannon's Educational Technology 


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