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Seeing Much Clearer

    A reflection by Shannon Forsberg


In March of 2011, I applied to the Masters in Educational Technology program at Michigan State University. I set many goals for myself when I started the MAET program hoping to reach each of them. However, while I now reflect on those goals, I see that the way I  viewed educational technology was skewed. I believed that educational technology was clear cut, and pretty simplistic. Now that I have revisited my initial goals, I realize that my understanding of educational technology has completely evolved.
One of my goals for the MAET program was to be able to identify
what technology could be used for teaching specific skills. I believed that
each skill I wanted to teach would have a coordinating technology that I
could use in order to teach that specific skill.
Now that I have gone through the MAET program, I realize that this goal
could never be achieved. I now know that the content and pedagogy need
to be identified first, and then integrated with technology in order to enhance
student learning. I have discovered that technology tools can be used in so many different facets. As technologies continue to change and evolve frequently, so must my use of technology in my classroom. I also set the goal of implementing technology into my classroom everyday. I now understand that technology only should be used if enhances student learning, not just used for the sake of using technology.
Another goal I set for myself was to expand my personal learning network. This goal was set so that I could continue learning about technology in education after I have completed and graduated from the MAET program. I have become aware of how valuable the resources and personal connections that I have established can be to my future. I now recognize how my personal learning network can act as a support system that will help continue and foster my learning long after I have graduated.
A fourth goal for the MAET program was to be able to become a technology leader in my school. I recognized when I began this program how technology has changed the way society communicates and receives information. I realize that most educators grasp this concept, but are clueless when it comes to implementing new technologies into their teaching. Being an educational technology leader is a bigger responsibility than I ever recognized. I now take part in implementing and teaching new technologies throughout my school. I am currently on my school's technology committee, and have had the opportunity to share my knowledge and understanding of how and when to use technology in the classroom with my colleagues.  
My final goal for this program is to evolve as an educator and to find ways to enhance student learning has not wavered during my completion of the MAET program. I still maintain and recognize the need to consistently evaluate my teaching with technology, and be sure it is being implemented in a way that is enhancing student learning. The MAET program has shifted some of my preconceived notions about using technology in education. I feel as if the MAET program has illuminated a new realm of the world, that I cannot wait to continue to see clearer.    


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